Oh, how excited I was to be called “lekker meisje” (“sexy girl”) by a man so obviously younger than me! You can read about it in Part One:
And then things took an unexpected turn:
And here we are now. A conclusion of sorts.
I don’t mean to put down people who are dealing with borderline or similar afflictions. I’m not even sure that’s the case with this guy. I only know this whole experience was intense and confusing and I’m glad I got a few interesting comics out of it. And that I did not end up having sex with him, which I’m sure would have been a messy affair in more than one way.
The “You inspire my inner serial killer” T-shirt is real:
…it’s the title of a song, apparently.
But honestly, who wears such a shirt?!
I can't help but sympathize with this Serial Killer guy, because of my vast experience working in customer service. Some people think it gives them a license to treat you like trash.
Retail, food service, grocery clerk, these jobs can make a perfectly nice person go insane! By the way, these crazy people can reputedly be crazy good in the sack.
!!!! An exciting conclusion to the story—it does seem like you had a lucky break not getting involved. Maybe he has an identical twin and they both work at the store! One twin is the “lekker meisje“ bear hug twin and the other is the aspiring serial killer!