My mom (and my dad!) used to be a minister in her professional life.
I heard them preach so often, just can’t help seeing the world through allegories and parables. It’s almost like… a mustard seed that was sown in me, small and seemingly insignificant, and now it’s grown into a tree, greater than all the herbs.
As we age we do serve many purposes, not the least of which is to remind those still young and able that once, so too were we, eh?
I'm not old, but I started becoming disabled at the end of my 20s, and often feel 2-3x my age.
Because of a degenerative connective tissue disorder, I went from being able to run, take stairs, go on hikes, ride my bike, etc to not being able to get out of bed some days.
Sometimes it's deeply painful to notice the stark contrast in before and after in my mobility changes. But I love your analogy of imagining myself as a tree, simply moving at a slower pace in life, instead of viewing these challenges as impacting my quality of life via what I might be missing out on.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.💕🌳