Lovely for you! My idea of hell…

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Hahaha - I hear you. When I first took part, I didn't like it much that I had to dance with others. But somehow I kept coming back. It depends on the group as well, obviously. These Germans are actually really nice people! And they love the Dutch, surprisingly!

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I love the Dutch! I’m not going to say anything about the Germans… I am English after all. Kidding.

About most of them.

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Dancing with Germans....

Ik moest lachen bij die opmerking. Ik heb ongeveer 65 jaar Duitsers meegemaakt in mijn werk omgevingen. 65 jaar van verandering in positieve zin. Van humorloze lompe horken die alleen Duits wilde spreken, naar opgewekte, vrolijke en enthousiaste mensen die hun best doen om met jou te communiceren. Het lijkt wel het omgekeerde proces van Nederland.

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Klopt, dat merk ik hier ook sterk. In deze streek zijn ze dol op Hollanders, "solche nette Leute!". Terwijl over de grens in Groningen men nog van rotmoffen spreekt. Ik merk dat ik in het Nederlandse verkeer ook anders word behandeld als ik in mijn moeders auto met Duits nummerbord rijd...

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I came across biodanza in May this year and it has been the most beautiful thing ever. Here in Portugal, as a recent immigrant, who is more interested in meeting the locals than expats, biodanza or biodança as they call it, has been a great way to meet lovely people. And I always feel so happy afterwards.

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I know, right?!

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I’ve never heard of it before. Sounds like an ecstatic experience.

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Your illustrations always make me smile! I love the whole visual design of your newsletter 🩷

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Thanks! So kind of you to say that!

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It looks like fun, but not for me - I fear all the huggin' might make my brain pop! My father-in-law's little dog does a sort of biodanza every morning when I come downstairs to make their breakfasts. As soon as she sees me, she frantically wriggles all 13 pounds of herself as fast as she can, then leaps up and down until I unload whatever stuff I'm carrying, leaps up on a hassock to get her cuddles, then leaps back to the floor and over on to her back for tummy scratching. After she gets her breakfast, she races off to my father-in-law's room to wake him up - luckily, she's gotten most of the hyperactivity out of her system by this point, but she reserves her very best (worst?) for her Daddy. I hear a loud "Yuck!" from his room every morning, because she insists on licking him awake (with dogfood breath). A great way to start every morning, sure to chase the grumps away! 😂

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Most dogs are in a perpetuate state of Biodanza... :D

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Absolutely awesome, Margreet! 🙌

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