Per my request last week, you’ve sent me some lovely wacky, useful, interesting ideas for inventions to draw as a 50 euro reward for my current crowdfunding! Here are the first three I received and drew: Martin D. suggested a Shut-your-trap Machine that simultaneously opens the recipient’s ears - very useful!
Oh, Margreet! My husband laughed out LOUD and chuckled and just loved your drawing and your mention of him. He said, "It's an ice cube!" and laughed again. This is so great. Thank you for putting pen/pencil to paper to perfectly illustrate what I've been thinking for years. Super duper loved this. 🤣
Here a happy Emiel M. responding. I am as happy as the robot with your personalised cartoon. It is an encouragement for others to build street comic book libraries. Get people reading again, Tik Tok of bygone days: great pictures and a short story. Thanks Margreet😘
Oh, Margreet! My husband laughed out LOUD and chuckled and just loved your drawing and your mention of him. He said, "It's an ice cube!" and laughed again. This is so great. Thank you for putting pen/pencil to paper to perfectly illustrate what I've been thinking for years. Super duper loved this. 🤣
Aaah, great! :D
Oh wow, these are all INCREDIBLE inventions represented absolutely PERFECTLY! 🙌
Here a happy Emiel M. responding. I am as happy as the robot with your personalised cartoon. It is an encouragement for others to build street comic book libraries. Get people reading again, Tik Tok of bygone days: great pictures and a short story. Thanks Margreet😘