"No thanks." 😂😂 Many of us have had those moments and the painful clarity afterward.

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What a great story! I love reading about your thought process and bedroom insecurities. And I love your depiction of boobs. Here in the U.S. boobs are often treated as some sort of removable accessory and/or dangerous hazardous waste material.

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Thanks! Haha - "removable accessory and/or dangerous hazardous waste material"; you have such a way with words! :D

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And you have a way with pictures

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OMG, this is so amazingly sweet!

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Very brave and raw way of storytelling. Wow!

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Vrouwen tekenen altijd veel betere vrouwen dan mannen. 🙂👍

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Ik vrees dat mannen ook veel vaker onrealistische vrouwen voorgespiegeld krijgen...

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Vrouwen tekenen onrealistische vrouwen ook veel beter dan mannen!

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So sweet , I am happy you tried and it worked Margreet .Many women think about this but never follow through . Very proud of you and so glad your happy . Hugs and peace to you . Great artwork also .

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Loving this story so far! It's painfully relatable.

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Love it! Being true to one's self is freeing. You did a great job telling an adult story in a very humorous way. Can't wait to see what part 3 brings!

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Dit zijn strips over het strippen, erg open, maar vooral leuk. Ga door met die serie tot een album. Ik ben jaloers, maar ja, jij hebt gewoon meer lef. Mijn complimenten.

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Beautifully drawn.

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